Reflections, Letting Go and the Birth of New
This year I did something very special for my April 21st
birthday. In the predawn hours, I drove up to Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah
National Park and watched the sunrise over the Shenandoah Valley…and over the
next phase of my life. I wanted to meditate there, on my birthday, by myself. Just
me, God and the beauty that surrounded me.
It was glorious.
As I was driving the 45 minutes up to my perch, I was
overwhelmed with gratitude for my life…all of it. Memories of the good, the bad
and the ugly chapters flooded back to me as I marveled at the thousands of
experiences that make up my lifetime so far.
My birthday fell on Easter this year, like the day I was
born, and I took this as a sign. I started asking questions up there on the overlook,
watching the sun rays illuminate the valley below.
What am I ready to let go of in my life? What beliefs are
no longer serving me? Which stories am I finally ready to release?
I know my thoughts create my reality and wondered what thoughts
could still be holding me back at this stage? Time to let them go. For good.
Thoughts of lack, limitation, “not enough,” “too old” and “too late” were quickly
banished on that mountaintop.
So what now was ready to be born? How could I consciously
embrace the truest part of me and live from there? The divine part that knows
no limits? The part of me that is only love?
As I sat, overlooking the brightening landscape I said a
simple prayer:
“Show me.”
My heart heard the message God whispered in response.