Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Be Love Principles

Happy Valentines Day!
Above you see a message that came to me in a vision last year. Yeah, an honest to God VISION that continues to reshape my life and business. I've spoken about it in previous TV episodes of "Heart-Centered Success," but haven't put them in graphic form until now.
Why share them today? Because although I love a mushy Valentines Day card as much as anyone, the real love we celebrate today, and hopefully every day, is the divine love that lives within each of us.
This is the love that anyone can access. Guidance, support, comfort,'s all there for anyone who asks. I ask for guidance everyday and while my messages are always meaningful to me, this one was different. This message is for everyone. You can see the complete story of how I was given the Be Love Principles in this video and get a glimpse into how you can enjoy divine guidance any time you ask.
I'm working on a free website to house resources, testimonials and material pertaining to the principles so you can incorporate them into your own life. They're magical. These simple principles have changed my life and the lives of a few others I've shared them with and now I offer them to you.
Hope you find time this Valentines Day to explore these principles and the love that surrounds you each day. And wouldn't that be a great way to spend February 14th? Exploring the many facets of love...
Sounds good to me!
Until next time...
Be well, be happy and most importantly, Be Love,